Oh Nuffnang!

Welcome to the elegies

While writing the story of your life, never let someone else holding your pen.

Saturday, 22 June 2013

Review : Shiseido Mask Sensitive Skin Care

Assalamualaikum.. and Hi.. :)

So, today, sy akan buat a little bit review about Shiseido Mask Sensitive Skin Care.. which is..

Ni la Shiseido Mask Sensitive Skin Care tuuu 

Mau dijadikan cerita, ni kali kedua sy pakai ni Mask, then baru buat review.. yang first pakai hari tu, memang try dulu, memang sgt effective, then pakai lagi balik, baru buat review.. So,, Di bawah ni gambar before pakai mask, abaikan eye bag yg sgt besar n itam.. x dpt diubati suda :(

Gambar Sebelum Pakai Mask

 Then, ni gambar semasa pakai mask..

Muka mcm Dayang Senandung pun ada :)

Cara-cara pakai mask :

1) Before pakai mask, cuci muka dulu supaya pori2 muka terbuka (utk kesan mask yg lebih effective)
2) Mask ni berbentuk gel, sapukan pada seluruh bahagian muka ataupun, boleh pakai sedikit sahaja utk bahagian2 yang bermasalah contoh : hidung
3) Kandungan mask ni sgt byk, so boleh pakai separuh, then simpan lagi separuh (jimat)
4) Biarkan sampai kering
5) Buka mask dari bawah dagu sampai la ke atas dahi
6) Cuci muka bersih2 guna facial wash
7) Sapu / Tap toner pada muka supaya pori2 yg terbuka tadi tertutup semula
8) Pemakaian toner adalah sangat penting untuk mengelakkan terjadinya  kuman/black head/ white head pada permukaan pori yg terbuka

Ni adalah gambar selepas pemakaian Shiseido Mask Sensitive SKin Care.. :)

selepas buka mask
Untuk lebih jelas :)

Fungsi Mask :

1. Untuk clearkan semua black head, white head and sel2 kulit yg suda mati
2. Untuk kesan lebih baik, lepas pakai mask yg sensitive skin care ni, pakai mask naturgo lagi, so bila sel2 kulit yang suda mati tu hilang,, mask naturgo akan renew cell kulit tu :) (later sy akan buat review ttg Shiseido Mask Naturgo)

Personal Review from me :

1. Mask ni sgt effective, sebab before this,, sy ada sedikit black head di kwsn yg sgt sensitive iaitu hidung.. but, after pakai mask Shiseido ni, semua black head tu hilang n tercabut, dan yang paling penting, permukaan hidung jadi sgt licin n lembut..
2. Kulit muka sy jadi lebih licin, lembut and flawless..

Harga mask ni sgt murah and affordable,, cuma rm2.00 satu.. Bole didapati di mana2 kedai facial product especially Farmasi Color Cosmetics (FCC) atau pun bole beli online.. atau, bole contact sy sebab my classmates pun ada jual.. kalau beli banyak, boleh dapat RM10.00 untuk 6 masks..

Selamat Mencuba, :)

Miss E.

Friday, 21 June 2013

Cerita cuti aku.

Assalamualaikum. Hi.

Hee.... rindunyaaa dgn blog ni..
sepanjang cuti ni x ada pun buka blog ni..
:( :(
So, mlm ni,, mau puaskan hati, mesti update blog.. :)
Hahahahah...ketawa dulu...thennn puas ati aku..

Cuti ni x byk sgt cerita..cuti ada 3 minggu.
First week, dihabiskan brada d KK. sbab abg sy yang first had his wedding reception here, in KK. So, the whole family gathered here la..kami juga jalan2 pegi Kinabalu Park.. :) Bangga sangat jadi org Sabah :) Mls mau cerita, let the pictures tell u thousand words.. hahaha

me with the anaks buah

hi. welcome to Sabah

with Haikal syggg

My parent with the kakak ipar

Grand Ballroom 1b

breakfast with the whole family

Then, second week, Azwad admitted to the hospital due to the Malaria fever, so, I finished my second week at the hospital.. He was very strong as he can survived and get well very fast :') Hope he will always fine and happy :)

After going back to IPG, we celebrated our 2nd years anniversary in the IPG, whole of our class members together went to Windbell Seafood Restaurant.. Nda sedar ni, tetiba ja 2 taun suda d IPG.. another 3 n half years.. May Allah bless my journey :)

with Manda

minta puji dua org sebelah sy tu..



gwiyomi la sgtt

ntah napa ngn kami 3urg ni

happy sbb dapat makan byk.

ada ku kesahhh

x tau apa nak jadi.


iron ladies in the class :)

So, everything went well,,, even sometimes I had many problems and difficulties, but there are always rainbows after the rainy days.. I am still young, there are long journeys for me to survive.. I just hope that people and family can understand me.. Even after everything happen, I am still me. I dont care about others, I just want to be happy and success in my life. I just need to be happy. :')

K la,

Miss E.