Assalamualaikum dan hi!
Actually, hari ni sy mau cerita tentang saudara baru dalam Islam dan saudara baru dalam keluarga sy :)
selamat datang Kak Qarisya..
30 Januari 2013 tarikh yg sgt bermakna buat sy and family sbb hari ni sy telah menjadi saksi bakal isteri abg sy telah berhijrah menjadi saudara seislam kita.
Actually sy sgt nervous sbb ini merupakan hal yg sgt serius dan abg sy pilih sy jadi saksi.. oke, sy sgt rsa takut sbb first time sy jadi saksi. Bukan saksi sembarangan tau! ni saksi yg sgt penting bagi menyambut kedatangan saudara Islam..
Tapi cerita hari ini bukan cerita tentang sy jadi saksi.. tapi cerita tentang sy sgt terharu dengan apa yg berlaku pada hari ini.
Pada hari ini, Kak Qarisya telah berhijrah menjadi saudara seIslam dan peristiwa tu sgt bermakna..
Peristiwa ini telah disaksikan oleh Ustazah yg membimbing, abg sy dan sy sendiri. Pada mulanya, Ustazah tersebut cuba meredakan perasaan nervous Kak Qarisya dengan berkenal-kenalan dan sedikit cerita-cerita.
Sy sgt terharu dengan soalan Ustazah dan jawapan daripada Kak Qarisya tersebut :
Ustazah : Andai kata kamu berdua tiada jodoh, adakah kamu akan keluar balik daripada Islam?
Kak Qarisya : Kalau tiada jodoh, sy akan cuba mencari identiti diri sebenar sy dalam agama Islam.
Oke, sy hampir menangis dengar jawapan Kak Qarisya sbb dy yakin utk masuk islam bukan semata-mata utk perkahwinan. Walaupun ustazah balik2 tanya tentang perasaan dan kepastian Kak Qarisya utk masuk Islam, Kak Qarisya sgt tenang n yakin time tu.. walaupun dlm hati dia sy tahu dy sgt nervous..
Apa-apa pun, Alhamdulillah, sy sgt terharu mendengar Kak Qarisya melafazkan dan mengucapkan lafaz dua kalimah syahadah Asyhadu Alla Ila Ha Ilallah Wa Asyhadu Anna Muhammad Rasulullah...
Ustazah juga ada mention, dengan kita lafaz kalimah tersebut, maka gugurlah dosa-dosa kita..
apatah lagi saudara baru kita..
mereka ibarat bayi yang baru dilahirkan kerana sejurus mereka melafazkan kalimah syahadah, maka gugurlah dosa-dosa mereka dan bermulanya kehidupan mereka sebagai seorang Muslim..
Apa-apa pun, sy sgt berharap agar hidayah yang diberikan oleh Allah kepada Kak Qarisya akan berterusan, kerana ustazah tersebut juga ckp, hidayah ini hanya diberi kepada orang-orang terpilih sahaja.. Alhamdulillah Kak Qarisya salah seorang yg terpilih tu..
itu sahaja cerita sy ttg peristiwa hari ini..
sy sgt2 terharu..
dan gembira..
Selamat datang Kak Qarisya..
XoXo :)
Oh Nuffnang!
Welcome to the elegies
While writing the story of your life, never let someone else holding your pen.
Wednesday, 30 January 2013
Monday, 28 January 2013
Hi Wishlists 2013!
Assalamualaikum :) Salam Sejahtera (so formality)
So, lately ni nampak ramai sgt urg post pasal wishlist, so sy pun mau2 jugak post d blog tentang wishlist sy utk 2013 ni.
Oya, previously, tahun2 sebelum ni, sy tidak pernah ada wishlist pun :) haha..
biasanya kalau before this, mau beli apa2 brg pun, bila rasa mau beli, beli ja..
nda pernah terfikir mau target apa2.
Hee :)
Tapi this year mau try rasa buat wishlist (rasa utk buat wishlist ni didorong oleh first time dapat elaun byk)
Sy rsa excited and nervous ni utk dapat elaun byk. Kamu excited ka?
Baikla, kita straight to the wishlist,
1st : Belajar Bahasa Mandarin
Baiklah, memandangkan diri ini bakal posting ke sekolah jenis kebangsaan Cina (SJKC) insyaAllah,
hehe, jadi sy sangat2 teringin belajar bahasa Cina. Ada juga survey2 kursus bahasa Mandarin.. insyaAllah dlm masa terdekat sy akan belajar bahasa Mandarin ne. Ohya, FYI, bahasa Mandarin ne adalah the most spoken language in the world tauuu! Sebab tu la sy tambah bersemangat utk blajar bahasa Mandarin :) Wish me luck okeyyyhhh!!
2nd : Belajar Berenang
Ok. Sy mau belajar berenang. Sy tau sy loser sbb sy tdk pandai berenang. Kamu semua mesti suda pandai berenang kan? But its ok... bila sy suda pandai berenang nanti, mesti muka sy ja yang ikut Olimpik utk acara kuak lentang. Hehe. Tujuan sy belajar berenang ne lebih kepada skills of survival. Lagipun, sy kesyiokan tengok orang lain dengan gembiranya berenang2 di air yg tenang.. Ditambah lagi dengan deruan ombak dan pantai. Sangat best. Ok. Itu over! hehe, apa2 pun, sy mesti belajar berenang. Nanti sy akan usahakan utk belajar.. Wish me luck :)
3rd : Belajar Main Instrumen Muzik
Hehe. Instrumen muzik tu byk kan. SO, aim sy adalah ingin belajar at least satu alat muzik. Ni lebih kepada self satisfaction. Sebab, sy rsa kalau pandai main alat muzik ne adalah satu kelebihan utk seseorang. Tahniah kepada anda2 yg pandai bermain alat muzik. Actually, sy teringin sangat belajar main gitar. Macam Siok ja kan tengok Najwa Latif petik2 gitar dlm TV tu. hee :)) . Ni yg sy x pasti dapat atau nda sy capai ni :)
4th : Camera Nikon CoolPix
Oke. Gmbar lelaki dan perempuan diatas tiada kaitan dengan sy. TAPI kamera tu ada kaitan dengan saya. Hehe, begini ceritanya, sy tiada budget and tiada sponsor utk belikan kamera mahal2. Lagipun sy ni tdk minat jadi photographer, sy hanya minat jadi model photographer, So, sy teringin beli kamera ni. Kamera ni sgt murah, ckupla utk menampung keperluan sy. hanya RM299 for 16M.P. Sy rsa tu sgt worth sebab at least sy boleh specific kan gadget tu untuk ambil gambar saja. Jangan jealous keyh! doakan sy dapat beli item ni!
last : Peplum
Baiklah, gambar di atas adalah PEPLUM . PEplum tu kaler pink . Actually, benda ni kalau tdk letak dlm wishlist pun x apa sebenarnya. Tapi, memandangkan hajat yang ni belum dpt saya capai, so, sy letak skali la ehh.. :) Sy teringin beli peplum. Peplum ni sy rsa sgt cantik sbb kalau pakai peplum seperti gambar diatas sekaligus dapat bergaya sambil menutup aurat :) Hehe. Actually, bukan peplum pink seja sy mau beli. Kaler lain pun sy mau juga . Hehe.
Baikla, tu saja wishlist sy setakat ni.
Maybe bulan depan ada lg. Tapi seboleh2nya sy akan tunaikan wish list tu ikut kemampuan sy. Hehe, apa2pun, wishlist ni tdk semestinya kena tunaikan. Itu cumalah WISH. Not necessary to buy it oke? JUst a small temptation from a small heart. :) Wish me luck for the wishlists ! Last but not least, Salam Maulidur Rasul for all Muslims. :) May Allah bless us!
XoXo :)
So, lately ni nampak ramai sgt urg post pasal wishlist, so sy pun mau2 jugak post d blog tentang wishlist sy utk 2013 ni.
Oya, previously, tahun2 sebelum ni, sy tidak pernah ada wishlist pun :) haha..
biasanya kalau before this, mau beli apa2 brg pun, bila rasa mau beli, beli ja..
nda pernah terfikir mau target apa2.
Hee :)
Tapi this year mau try rasa buat wishlist (rasa utk buat wishlist ni didorong oleh first time dapat elaun byk)
Sy rsa excited and nervous ni utk dapat elaun byk. Kamu excited ka?
Baikla, kita straight to the wishlist,
1st : Belajar Bahasa Mandarin
Baiklah, memandangkan diri ini bakal posting ke sekolah jenis kebangsaan Cina (SJKC) insyaAllah,
hehe, jadi sy sangat2 teringin belajar bahasa Cina. Ada juga survey2 kursus bahasa Mandarin.. insyaAllah dlm masa terdekat sy akan belajar bahasa Mandarin ne. Ohya, FYI, bahasa Mandarin ne adalah the most spoken language in the world tauuu! Sebab tu la sy tambah bersemangat utk blajar bahasa Mandarin :) Wish me luck okeyyyhhh!!
2nd : Belajar Berenang
Ok. Sy mau belajar berenang. Sy tau sy loser sbb sy tdk pandai berenang. Kamu semua mesti suda pandai berenang kan? But its ok... bila sy suda pandai berenang nanti, mesti muka sy ja yang ikut Olimpik utk acara kuak lentang. Hehe. Tujuan sy belajar berenang ne lebih kepada skills of survival. Lagipun, sy kesyiokan tengok orang lain dengan gembiranya berenang2 di air yg tenang.. Ditambah lagi dengan deruan ombak dan pantai. Sangat best. Ok. Itu over! hehe, apa2 pun, sy mesti belajar berenang. Nanti sy akan usahakan utk belajar.. Wish me luck :)
3rd : Belajar Main Instrumen Muzik
Hehe. Instrumen muzik tu byk kan. SO, aim sy adalah ingin belajar at least satu alat muzik. Ni lebih kepada self satisfaction. Sebab, sy rsa kalau pandai main alat muzik ne adalah satu kelebihan utk seseorang. Tahniah kepada anda2 yg pandai bermain alat muzik. Actually, sy teringin sangat belajar main gitar. Macam Siok ja kan tengok Najwa Latif petik2 gitar dlm TV tu. hee :)) . Ni yg sy x pasti dapat atau nda sy capai ni :)
4th : Camera Nikon CoolPix
Oke. Gmbar lelaki dan perempuan diatas tiada kaitan dengan sy. TAPI kamera tu ada kaitan dengan saya. Hehe, begini ceritanya, sy tiada budget and tiada sponsor utk belikan kamera mahal2. Lagipun sy ni tdk minat jadi photographer, sy hanya minat jadi model photographer, So, sy teringin beli kamera ni. Kamera ni sgt murah, ckupla utk menampung keperluan sy. hanya RM299 for 16M.P. Sy rsa tu sgt worth sebab at least sy boleh specific kan gadget tu untuk ambil gambar saja. Jangan jealous keyh! doakan sy dapat beli item ni!
last : Peplum
Baiklah, gambar di atas adalah PEPLUM . PEplum tu kaler pink . Actually, benda ni kalau tdk letak dlm wishlist pun x apa sebenarnya. Tapi, memandangkan hajat yang ni belum dpt saya capai, so, sy letak skali la ehh.. :) Sy teringin beli peplum. Peplum ni sy rsa sgt cantik sbb kalau pakai peplum seperti gambar diatas sekaligus dapat bergaya sambil menutup aurat :) Hehe. Actually, bukan peplum pink seja sy mau beli. Kaler lain pun sy mau juga . Hehe.
Baikla, tu saja wishlist sy setakat ni.
Maybe bulan depan ada lg. Tapi seboleh2nya sy akan tunaikan wish list tu ikut kemampuan sy. Hehe, apa2pun, wishlist ni tdk semestinya kena tunaikan. Itu cumalah WISH. Not necessary to buy it oke? JUst a small temptation from a small heart. :) Wish me luck for the wishlists ! Last but not least, Salam Maulidur Rasul for all Muslims. :) May Allah bless us!
XoXo :)
Wednesday, 9 January 2013
Gaza Kami Bersamamu
Assalamualaikum and Hi!
Have your ever heard the suffering of Gaza Citizen? Yes, of course we heard about it..
But, as we heard, and as we watched it on the news, how much we show our care towards them?
I should asked this to myself. Before this, yes, I don't know how to help them.
Tipulah kalau dalam hati yang keras ni tiada terdetik utk membantu atau mengurangkan penderitaan mereka kan? But, I dont know the medium. Previously, I also dont have friends who have the cable with the Saluran Bantuan Gaza.
Untuk dijadikan cerita, and luckily, during the holiday,,, I got the chance to join the activity that requires my energy in order to help the organization to collect money as a fund that would be sent to Gaza. The organization which is really helpful is Persatuan Belia Karisma.
After had many meetings and discussions, we decided to conduct a charity program which is more related to charity sale. The program is Jualan Amal Gaza Kami Bersama Mu.
We done many things, we suffered many bitterness, and we experienced sweet moments.
For me, the program was a new thing for me. Yes, I joined the charity program before, but, when come to the religious matter, I never join it before. So, this is the chance for me.
As i'm also not a rich person and not affordable enough to donate my money to our family in Gaza,
so I decided to donate my energy and join the program.
May Allah bless our family in Gaza :')
A large of appreciation to those AJK who helped me, and invited me to join the program.
I got so many meaningful experience from all of you.
Thank you for never make me feel not belong to you.
Thank you for the unforgettable moment :)
Last but not least, Congratulations for all of us for our success.
You guys are ROCK!! :)
Great thanks to all of you,
XoXo :)
Have your ever heard the suffering of Gaza Citizen? Yes, of course we heard about it..
But, as we heard, and as we watched it on the news, how much we show our care towards them?
I should asked this to myself. Before this, yes, I don't know how to help them.
Tipulah kalau dalam hati yang keras ni tiada terdetik utk membantu atau mengurangkan penderitaan mereka kan? But, I dont know the medium. Previously, I also dont have friends who have the cable with the Saluran Bantuan Gaza.
Untuk dijadikan cerita, and luckily, during the holiday,,, I got the chance to join the activity that requires my energy in order to help the organization to collect money as a fund that would be sent to Gaza. The organization which is really helpful is Persatuan Belia Karisma.
After had many meetings and discussions, we decided to conduct a charity program which is more related to charity sale. The program is Jualan Amal Gaza Kami Bersama Mu.
We done many things, we suffered many bitterness, and we experienced sweet moments.
For me, the program was a new thing for me. Yes, I joined the charity program before, but, when come to the religious matter, I never join it before. So, this is the chance for me.
As i'm also not a rich person and not affordable enough to donate my money to our family in Gaza,
so I decided to donate my energy and join the program.
May Allah bless our family in Gaza :')
A large of appreciation to those AJK who helped me, and invited me to join the program.
I got so many meaningful experience from all of you.
Thank you for never make me feel not belong to you.
Thank you for the unforgettable moment :)
Last but not least, Congratulations for all of us for our success.
You guys are ROCK!! :)
This is the program that I joined during the holiday :) |
Great thanks to all of you,
XoXo :)
Tuesday, 8 January 2013
Hello 2013 :)
Assalamualaikum and Hi :)
It is the first week of January 2013, yes, first week and I just wished you happy new year...
sy tau suda lambat,, tp better late than never.. :)
I wanna recalled what were happen in 2012 that make me sad, happy, nervous, anxious and everything..
Lately, I am the one who is the most forgetful person.. I am very worried about that because I'm afraid of the symptoms of Alzheimer. Yes, Alzheimer..
But, hopefully it is just temporary..
Ok, since I could not actually recalled what were happened, so.. I just can tell some or a few of the memory..
However, how bad or how good they are, all the memories make me or in a simple meaning,,
make me become the current Eva right now..
by the way, let the pictures tell everything ok?
Thank you Allah for the nice story that You created for me in 2012..
Allah knows the best and I hope everything happened makes me a better person in future..
Thank you family, friends and love for the greatest memories..
I hope for a better year in 2013..
Ketawa bersama, nangis bersama, ku bersumpah harap kita mati pun bersama :'(. Bye 2012
thanx and XoXo!
It is the first week of January 2013, yes, first week and I just wished you happy new year...
sy tau suda lambat,, tp better late than never.. :)
I wanna recalled what were happen in 2012 that make me sad, happy, nervous, anxious and everything..
Lately, I am the one who is the most forgetful person.. I am very worried about that because I'm afraid of the symptoms of Alzheimer. Yes, Alzheimer..
But, hopefully it is just temporary..
Ok, since I could not actually recalled what were happened, so.. I just can tell some or a few of the memory..
However, how bad or how good they are, all the memories make me or in a simple meaning,,
make me become the current Eva right now..
by the way, let the pictures tell everything ok?
Hari Raya Celebration at our class sponsored by Mr Syam :) Thank u sir.. |
First time we went to 5D studio with my beloved friends :) |
Second time we went to 5D Studio, even it is the second time and not necessary to be told but, the important was we went with Miss J, our beloved Language Development lecturer. |
I went to Camp Quality with the children who are suffering Leukimia.. the program sponsored by UOB Kay Hian and we finished our camp at the Beringgis Beach Resort |
We celebrated Nana's n Manda's birthday at Pizza Hut |
We also celebrated Ann's birthday at the Jesselton Point.. what a great prank and celebration! |
I managed to enter the Degree Program in IPG Gaya after passed my Foundation program 1 and half year.. Alhamdulillah :) |
Hello degree years! |
Thank you Allah for the nice story that You created for me in 2012..
Allah knows the best and I hope everything happened makes me a better person in future..
Thank you family, friends and love for the greatest memories..
I hope for a better year in 2013..
Ketawa bersama, nangis bersama, ku bersumpah harap kita mati pun bersama :'(. Bye 2012
thanx and XoXo!
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